coo's from the crib (or, my life as a baby)

Every morning on the way to day care, I tell my dad what's on my mind. I've asked him to pass the news on. I'm sorry if he misinterprets some of my coos as swear words....sometimes I get so frustrated that he doesn't get it right. But, hey, I'm just a baby and lack the manual dexterity to type for myself.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

the grape doesn't fall far from the vine

gimme that vino.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

so this is christmas....

what a weird thing to do. not only do my parents leave me with strangers 3 days a week, but then those strangers put me on some weird dude's lap.

i'm completely humilated by this pic. they didn't even try to make me happy. no cookie monster to look at. no weird girl with big braces making bird noises. nothing. no wonder i'm crying. and had i known it was picture day, i would've worn something a little more festive. imbiciles.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

entering my blue/red/green period

i'm thinking that i'm going to use these to become a great artist someday. or perhaps i'll just stick them in my nose. maybe both.

Monday, December 19, 2005

lovin' the cool weather

the folks haven't let me play in the white stuff yet, but i love looking at it. and the cool wind across my face is fantastic.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

good food

for those of you "in the know," the hat featured below comes from one of my grandma karen's (on daddy's side) most favorite places in the world....steak n' shake. i love the hat. or at least i did until daddy let me rip it to shreds. i'm sure i'll be able to get another one. i can't imagine dad not honoring his mother with a hearty shake and steakburger on each and every trip to that mall place.

i can't exactly comment on the quality of the food just yet. when we went there, ma & pop weren't exactly allowing me to have table scraps yet. they've since started throwing a few new things at me, so maybe the next time we go, i'll get to taste that pink shake and munch on a fry.

Friday, December 16, 2005

i'm back, baby!

after what seemed like forever, i'm finally able to post my thoughts to the world again. this transition to the steel city has not exactly been a smooth one. first, i had to go several weeks without seeing my daddy (although i was able to see him on the weekends...that's just not enough for this baby). then, the combination of my parents househunitng and the start of the holidays, we're seemingly always on the go. but perhaps the worst part of this relocation is the adjustment in the toy situation. sure, i may look happy in this pic...

...but do the folks really think i can be placated by sticking me in a box? i have toys around, but they insist on putting me in this damn box. they think its funny. they move it around like its some kind of car, boat, or probably the worst...daddy pretends its a helicopter when he takes me up the steps in it. come on! i'm a baby...not an idiot. i know a diaper box when i see one. have you ever seen a helicopter without propellers?

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