coo's from the crib (or, my life as a baby)

Every morning on the way to day care, I tell my dad what's on my mind. I've asked him to pass the news on. I'm sorry if he misinterprets some of my coos as swear words....sometimes I get so frustrated that he doesn't get it right. But, hey, I'm just a baby and lack the manual dexterity to type for myself.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

smiling on the inside

about a month ago, my parents took me along with them to a wonderful breakfast with my grandparents from FL. dad was silly enough to not get any pictures of me with them that day, yet he did manage this fantastic shot of me. as the title of today's post suggests, although it may not look like it, i really do have a happy face. now, start the chant with me....

frownie brownie....

frownie brownie....



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