coo's from the crib (or, my life as a baby)

Every morning on the way to day care, I tell my dad what's on my mind. I've asked him to pass the news on. I'm sorry if he misinterprets some of my coos as swear words....sometimes I get so frustrated that he doesn't get it right. But, hey, I'm just a baby and lack the manual dexterity to type for myself.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

ha ha ha ha ha.....

after lulling my parents into a false sense of security by sleeping through the night for about a month straight, i pulled the rug out from beneath them the last three nights by reminding them THAT I'M A BABY. i find that i really like talking to myself around 2am or so. apparently, i can get really loud....loud enough for them to come feed me at least! i'm awesome.

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